CNBC June 30 Daily Trivia Answers (Monday)

Question 1: In his blog, Darren Rovell paid tribute to the late George Carlin. Which of Rovell's terms refers to options trades?

crack spread
long straddle -->CORRECT ANSWER!
bulge bracket

Question 2: According to the blog post, "Air Products: Cutting Edge of Alt Energy?", how does Jim Cramer describe the U.S.?

Holy Grail of coal
Saudi Arabia of coal -->CORRECT ANSWER!
capital of problem-solving
none of the above

Question 3: In the video "Go Short" how does Options University strategist Ron Ianieri define a "speculator"?

only "the super-savvy"
"everyone in the market" -->CORRECT ANSWER!
commodities "sharpies"
"practically every trader"

Question 4: According to the CNBC Stock Blog "Powering Your Portfolio: Uranium" what is uranium miner Cameco's other business?

mining gold -->CORRECT ANSWER!
building nuke power plants
refining uranium ore
none of the above

Question 5: In Fast Money's Web Extra video "Najarian's Sweet Trade" which home builder rated the opinion, "I'd stay away"?

KB Home

Question 6: Which U.S. airline announced on Monday June 23 that it plans to lay off 950 pilots?


Come back during each trading day for answers to the CNBC Portfolio Challenge Trivia ( bonus bucks ) questions.

CNBC June 27 Daily Trivia Answers (Friday)

Question 1: Print's not dead at CNBC! Name the editor of's new "Bullish on Books" blogger.

Allen Wastler
Gloria McDonough-Taub -->CORRECT ANSWER!
Carmen Wong Ulrich
Silvia Wadhwa

Question 2: In Fast Money's Web Extra segment "Najarian's Sweet Trade" which food & beverage purveyor did Pete Najarian praise?


Question 3: In the feature "Shorting Stocks Could Be Way to Play This Market" which strategist predicted "one ugly decline"?

Kathy Boyle -->CORRECT ANSWER!
David Rovelli
Ron Ianieri
Howard Davidowitz

Question 4: In the slideshow "Lifestyles of the Super Rich" how much do the swank Christian Louboutin pumps go for?

around $1,000

Question 5: In the Web video "Inside Look at Offshore" which firm's oil rig did Janet Shamlian report from?


Question 6: On The Money blog: In the post entitled "Cheap Is Sexy" which phrase is the blogger's own advice?

"Buy Now, Wear Forever"
try "driving a Prius"
"Vote with your wallet" -->CORRECT ANSWER!
all of the above

Come back during each trading day for answers to the CNBC Portfolio Challenge Trivia ( bonus bucks ) questions.

CNBC June 26 Daily Trivia Answers (Thursday)

Question 1: In the video, "Fed Expectations" what was Robert Podorefsky's reaction to talk of a Q3 Fed rate hike?

"I don't see it" -->CORRECT ANSWER!
"very possible"
"unlikely but possible"

Question 2: In the Fast Money blog post "Are Options Accurate?" Jon Najarian called ORCL & RIMM earnings with what tracking system?
Big Thunder -->CORRECT ANSWER!
Darst Interactive

Question 3: Warren Buffett told CNBC that U.S. inflation is "exploding." He joked to Becky Quick that if he were Fed chairman, he'd:

cut rates
start drinking
keep rates as is

Question 4: In Sharon Epperson's blog post, "Shorting Oil The Way To Go?", she cites "a very large energy trader." Who?

Andy Lipow
Anthony Grisanti
Joe Terranova
none of the above -->CORRECT ANSWER!

Question 5: CNBC Stock Blog: On June 23, Longbow Research's Lee Klaskow said Midwestern floods had done one good thing. What?

wakeup call for U.S.
pullback for rail stocks -->CORRECT ANSWER!
ethanol's death knell
floor for commodities

Question 6: In the blog post "Fertilizer Stocks: Room To Grow" which stock did Michael Judd call "a great long-term holding"?


Come back during each trading day for answers to the CNBC Portfolio Challenge Trivia ( bonus bucks ) questions.

CNBC June 25 Daily Trivia Answers (Wednesday)

Question 1:
In the video "Underweight on China" Erwin Sanft says BNP Paribas downgraded a raft of Chinese stocks. How many?

didn't specify

Question 2: In Tuesday's edition of "Lightning Round OT" What was Cramer's exact take on Dominion Resources?

"I'd skip it"
"Don't get burned"
"wait for the election"
"a real good one" -->CORRECT ANSWER!

Question 3: Kiplinger's issued a list of stocks that "Warren Buffett would love." Name one. (Hint: You'll find the list on our site.)

Tiffany " -->CORRECT ANSWER!
American Express

Question 4: On June 24, Melissa Lee sat in for Maria Bartiromo in "Maria's Market Message" Web video. What story did she lead with?

Fed meeting " -->CORRECT ANSWER!
Offshore drilling
McCain-Obama debate

Question 5: In his auto blog, Phil LeBeau mocked Jim Cramer! Finish Phil's phrase: "While Cramer may know stocks, I think he's..."

"crocked" -->CORRECT ANSWER!
"increasingly dire"
seeking "affirmation"

Question 6: CNBC Stock Blog: Neil Hennessy is a frequent CNBC guest and master stock picker. What was his Web Extra pick for Tuesday?

none of the above

Come back during each trading day for answers to the CNBC Portfolio Challenge Trivia ( bonus bucks ) questions.

CNBC Weekly Trivia Answer Week 7

This is the CNBC Portfolio Challenge Trivia Question for week starting Monday June 23.

Weekly question: What tool did 17th century rice traders contribute to the financial markets?

point and figure charts
technical analysis
candlesticks -->CORRECT ANSWER!
ticker tape

CNBC June 24 Daily Trivia Answers (Tuesday)

Question 1: Cramer Flashback: On May 27, the Mad Money guru called SPX the ultimate New Tech stock. What does it leverage?

solving global problems
once-in-a-generation event
power-plant efficiency
all of the above -->CORRECT ANSWER!

Question 2: In her Monday blog post on foreclosures, what did Carmen Wong Ulrich say "matters most"?

home expense/salary ratio -->CORRECT ANSWER!
our own education
reading the fine print
making judicious decisions

Question 3: In the feature, "The Future of Oil: What the Experts Are Saying," who is Peter Beutel paired with?

Dan Yergin
John Kilduff
Addison Armstrong -->CORRECT ANSWER!
Kevin Kerr

Question 4: According to's video report "Foreclosure Tour Hits Manhattan" how many Q1 residential foreclosures were there?


Question 5: In Diana Olick's post, "Harvard and Housing: A Silver Lining?" Eric Belsky cited a "significant amount" of this:

faulty mortgage products
immigration -->CORRECT ANSWER!

Question 6: In the CNBC Stock Blog, "Brokerage Stocks: Go Long," what did Ryan Lentell call "probably the best set-up firm"?

Goldman Sachs -->CORRECT ANSWER!
Morgan Stanley
Merrill Lynch
none of the above

Come back during each trading day for answers to the CNBC Portfolio Challenge Trivia ( bonus bucks ) questions.

CNBC June 23 Daily Trivia Answers (Monday)

Question 1: In the June 20 Kudlow Caucus, which panelist called the $300 billion housing bailout bill a "boondoggle"?

Stefan Abrams -->CORRECT ANSWER!
Jerry Bowyer
Art Laffer
James Pethokoukis

Question 2: CNBC Stock Blog: on June 20, what did Jeffrey Frankel cite as an element in an investment brainstorming process?

Iron Man
none of the above

Question 3: How does Sharon Epperson's blog post, "Big Oil Heads Back To Iraq," describe the oil majors' Iraqi deals?

long-term service contracts
production sharing
unlikely to depress prices -->CORRECT ANSWER!
none of the above

Question 4: The article "Picks for Banking Bloodbath" praises Banca Transilvania. Where is the financial firm based?


Question 5: In the Web video report "Staubach's Real Estate Deal" what is the "biggest compliment" to ex-Dallas QB Roger Staubach?

the real estate guy -->CORRECT ANSWER!
gridiron great
American icon
inspiration to young people

Question 6: In the Fast Money blog, "Post-Washout Rally?" which indicator did Jon Najarian look to first for a pro-rally case?


Come back during each trading day for answers to the CNBC Portfolio Challenge Trivia ( bonus bucks ) questions.

CNBC June 20 Daily Trivia Answers (Friday)

Question 1: According to Darren Rovell's June 19 Sports Biz blog, Notre Dame will start a series vs which team in 2010?

Washington State

Question 2: Web video: In "China Fuel Prices" (June 19) Peter Boockvar called this a "major problem" for China:

food inflation -->CORRECT ANSWER!
gasoline demand
market volatility
U.S. populism

Question 3: Two-Way Street blog: In "Reader Response: Let's Drill!!! (Mostly)" what non-human animal anatomy does a reader mention?

rat's posterior
eagle's claw
monkey's paw
panda's head -->CORRECT ANSWER!

Question 4: In Bob Pisani's "Regional Banks Stage Rally" which bank anticipated "some increase in the cash dividend during 2008"?

Fifth Third

Question 5: In "Lower Crude Bad For Stocks?" Carter Worth tells the Fast Money team how he'd trade if crude pulls back. How?

buy crude on the dip
long technology -->CORRECT ANSWER!
dump natgas, solar
stay the course

Question 6: "Investing in a Tough European Retail Environment" mentions one optimistic "recovery" in UK retail. Which company?

Home Retail
Kingfisher -->CORRECT ANSWER!

Come back during each trading day for answers to the CNBC Portfolio Challenge Trivia ( bonus bucks ) questions.

CNBC June 19 Daily Trivia Answers (Thursday)

Question 1: managing editor Allen Wastler enjoys a stogie in his byline photo. What brand of cigar?

Montecristo No. 2 (1961)
Flor de Farach Corona
Cigarillo Grande
Cuvee Blanc Churchill -->CORRECT ANSWER!

Question 2: In "Health Care Stocks: Schwab's Rx" why did Paul Alan Davis praise Express Scripts?

"product diversification"
great "free cash flow"
enjoys downside "buffer"
it's "part of the solution" -->CORRECT ANSWER!

Question 3: In the story, "Crude? So What? These Characters Still Find Work in Ads", which figure is called a "contemporary...icon"?

Brian the dog
Stewie the baby -->CORRECT ANSWER!
Tina the baby

Question 4: In "Energy Plays: How to Profit From the Oil-Price Boom" Jordan Kimmel offered his "excellent" stock picks. Name one.


Question 5: Web video hunt: In "LeFrak's Stock Picks," Richard LeFrak joked that FedEx should shift from what to what?

airplanes to smart cars -->CORRECT ANSWER!
jet fuel to solar energy
packages to Web sites
shipping to fertilizer

Question 6: In Fast Money's "Web Extra: Nat Gas Plummet?" the traders also discussed solar energy. The following stock(s) were mentioned:

Canada Solar
all of the above

Come back during each trading day for answers to the CNBC Portfolio Challenge Trivia ( bonus bucks ) questions.

CNBC Portfolio Challenge Weekly Strategy

We are now in the sixth week of the CNBC Portfolio Challenge, and it is interesting to see the impact of the Bonus Bucks Trivia Questions. According to my calculations, you could have earned $336,000 upto the end of today, by answering ALL the Trivia Questions correctly.

This calculation is based on $2,000 per correct answer for each daily and weekly Trivia Question. Each day, 6 trivia questions are asked.

For answering ALL six weekly Trivia Questions correctly, you would have got 6 x $2,000 = $12,000.
There have been 5 full weeks so far which is 25 days, less 1 day for public holiday, = 24 days. There have been 3 days so far this week, making it a total of 27 days upto the end of today. Thus 27 days X $12,000 = $324,000.

Maximum bonus bucks so far = $336,000!! This excludes the referral bonus of upto $5,000.

If I have miscalculated above, please post a comment with corrections.

Ok, here is the good news...every trading day I try and post the answers to the day's CNBC Portfolio Challenge trivia questions. All you have to do is bookmark this blog (or subscribe to the atom feed) and check it regularly. Please note that its crucial to enter your answers DURING the trading day. I also try and post each weekly answer.

POSSIBLE STRATEGY FOR WEEKLY PRIZES: Today the stockmarket got slaughtered with the Dow falling 131 points to hover just above the 12,000 level. Many of your portfolios may have lost a significant chunk of their value this week. USE THIS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE AS FOLLOWS:

If your portfolio has really fallen dramatically you could get yourself in the running for the best weekly performance prizes which are based on your %age change for the week. Say, for example your $1,000,000 portfolio has halved to $500,000 as a result of some high risk trades going bad. Well, if next week you do nothing except answer all the trivia questions correctly, you would get $62,000 in bonus bucks, or a return of 12.4%! So if your portfolio is in a mess, make sure you answer ALL the bonus bucks questions correctly, and that will give you a big lift. Naturally, you still have to end up with some winners in your portfolio, but at least you can have fun and a chance at a weekly prize.

Even if you have not joined the CNBC Portfolio Challenge yet, you can still do so. Enter the CNBC Portfolio Challenge here.

CNBC June 18 Daily Trivia Answers (Wednesday)

Question 1:
In her blog post, "Foreclosures: What You're Asking About," what did Carmen Wong Ulrich offer Steve the Angry Renter?

his own blog post -->CORRECT ANSWER!
more helpful information
a very helpful Web site

Question 2:
Cramer prefers gold to silver. So why did he say he likes Pan American Silver, in June 9's Lightning Round OT?

good inflation hedge
gold won't always glitter
"a winner" among peers -->CORRECT ANSWER!
medical uses for silver

Question 3:
Warren Buffett Watch: According to Adolphus Busch IV, how big a stake does Berkshire Hathaway's CEO hold in Anheuser?

"No. 1 shareholder"
5 percent -->CORRECT ANSWER!
1 percent
10 percent

Question 4:
The slideshow, "Which Costs More?" (June 10) says Budweiser is pricier than crude oil. How much IS a barrel of beer?

300.61 euros

Question 5:
CNBC Stock Blog: In "Two China Solar Energy Stocks" Gerald Jordan praised, yes, energy plays. Which one(s)?

JA Solar
Yingli Green
all of the above -->CORRECT ANSWER!

Question 6:
In "'Non-Toxic' Financial Stock Picks" which bank did Ben Steverman call "the anti-Countrywide"?

Charles Schwab
U.S. Bancorp
Hudson City Bancorp -->CORRECT ANSWER!

Come back during each trading day for answers to the CNBC Portfolio Challenge Trivia ( bonus bucks ) questions.

CNBC Weekly Trivia Answer Week 6

(See post below for today's trivia answers).
This is the CNBC Portfolio Challenge Trivia Question for week starting Monday June 16.

A series of higher highs and higher lows signals what kind of trend?

sideways trend
uptrend -->CORRECT ANSWER!

CNBC June 17 Daily Trivia Answers (Tuesday)

Question 1:
In Bob Pisani's blog post "Using Analysts As Contrarians?" which financial firm's employee is mentioned by his full name?

Merrill Lynch -->CORRECT ANSWER!

Question 2:
In Monday's "Stop Trading!" segment, which stock did Jim Cramer say "suffers from a lack of momentum"?

Research in Motion
Titan Machinery

Question 3:
CNBC Stock Blog: On June 16, Jonathan Vyorst offered CNBC his stock picks. But which one was an exclusive "Web Extra"?

American Financial -->CORRECT ANSWER!

Question 4:
Full disclosure: In "Stocks Your Dad Would Love," which of Brent Wilsey's picks is in his portfolio?

Harley-Davidson -->CORRECT ANSWER!
Dick's Sporting Goods
Men's Wearhouse
O'Reilly Automotive

Question 5:
In "Take Your Position: Financials" Fast Money's Guy Adami says "take at least half your position off the table" for:

Goldman Sachs
Morgan Stanley
Lehman Brothers -->CORRECT ANSWER!
Capital One Financial

Question 6:
In Vince Farrell's "Raising Rates Would Spark a Rally" he quotes Stefan Abrams on the worst thing for stock prices:

high or rising taxes
rising rate of inflation -->CORRECT ANSWER!
weaker dollar
oil glut

Come back during each trading day for answers to the CNBC Portfolio Challenge Trivia Questions.

CNBC June 16 Daily Trivia Answers (Monday)

Question 1:
Where did "Managing Asia" blogger Christine Tan get her Masters degree?

University of Auckland -->CORRECT ANSWER!
University of Tokyo
Wharton School
Beijing Union University

Question 2:
On June 5, Cramer sang the praises of Yum! Brands. How high did he say the stock would go?

"headed" to $44
past $45 -->CORRECT ANSWER!
above its 52-week high
"high as Mt. Fuji"

Question 3:
"Beloved Characters as Reimagined for the 21st Century" told of toon & toy updates. What was "the industry's nightmare"?

The 'Loonatics'
Spuds Mackenzie
Barbie's "ditzy" persona
Earring Magic Ken -->CORRECT ANSWER!

Question 4:
The May 27 Fast Money University segment had bad news for some -- but possibly good for others. What was the topic?

Oil price superspike
Security threats
Natural disasters -->CORRECT ANSWER!
Water scarcity

Question 5:
Darren Rovell called Kimbo Slice the fiercest athlete since Mike Tyson. Whom did Rovell see Slice fight on May 31?

Chuck Liddell
Quinton Jackson
Rob McCollough
James Thompson -->CORRECT ANSWER!

Question 6:
In "Utility Stocks Hotter with Deregulation," which stock was Dan Eggers' "top idea right now"?

none of the above

CNBC June 13 Daily Trivia Answers (Friday)

Question 1:
Expected Announcements -->CORRECT ANSWER!!

Question 2:

Come back later in the trading day for the remaining answers.

Question 3:
stock = piece of a business -->CORRECT ANSWER!!

Question 4:
457,000 -->CORRECT ANSWER!!

Question 5:
Christine Tan -->CORRECT ANSWER!!

Question 6:
Chrysler -->CORRECT ANSWER!!

Have a great weekend!

CNBC June 12 Daily Trivia Answers (Thursday)

Question 1:
Web Video Hunt: On Wednesday's "Squawk Box," Sequoia's Mark Kvamme discussed bringing a Web site to TV. Which one?

Question 2:
In "Stocks Could Be Hostage To Oil Prices All Summer" which defensive play did Richard Sparks recommend?

Procter & Gamble
PetroQuest --> CORRECT ANSWER!!
ProFunds Bear Inverse ETF

Question 3:
In the Two-Way Street blog post, "Missing Ron Paul: Readers Respond", which reader used the phrase "corporate lapdog"?

Todd in Sacramento

Question 4:
In "The Surest Sign It's Time to Sell" (Feb. 19) Cramer gave timeless stock advice. What was his "rock solid" sell sign?

too many 52-week highs
heavily shorted & hyped --> CORRECT ANSWER!!
insiders dumping shares
bottom vs topline disparity

Question 5:
In Bob Pisani's blog post, "Global Theme: Inflation Worries" how many nations does he specifically name?


Question 6:
In "Surging Crude Means Picking Shrewd" why did Christopher Zook praise Applied Materials?

solar growth opportunity --> CORRECT ANSWER!!
consistent performance
very reasonable valuation
defensive nature

CNBC June 11 Daily Trivia Answers (Wednesday)

Question 1:
Web video hunt: On Tuesday, Toll Bros. CEO Robert Toll told Power Lunch home prices may be stabilizing. Who interviewed him?

Sue Herera --> CORRECT ANSWER!
Diana Olick
Bill Griffeth
Melissa Lee

Question 2:
CNBC Stock Blog: According to Dan Eggers, what is the key to picking energy utility stocks?

dense market population
cheaper raw materials
deregulated environment --> CORRECT ANSWER!
smart commodity hedges

Question 3:
In John McCain's June 10 CNBC interview, whom did the presidential candidate say he'd enlist to strengthen trade?

BRIC nations
Russia & Eastern Europe
Our traditional allies --> CORRECT ANSWER!
Coalition of the willing

Question 4:
In "Congress to Summer Workers: Drop Dead," Jerry Bowyer refers to which "universal laws of science"?

Einsteinian relativity
Newtonian gravitation
Supply-and-demand model
all of the above --> CORRECT ANSWER!

Question 5:
In "Oil Services Stocks Are Price-Proof" Federated Investors' Phil Orlando says oil prices may sink as low as:

$100 to $90 range
$110 to $100 range --> CORRECT ANSWER!

Question 6:
In "Answering Your Credit Questions" blogger Carmen Wong Ulrich says the "big secret" of the credit industry is that it's:

"very unregulated" --> CORRECT ANSWER!
rife with "loopholes"
teetering on "collapse"
surprisingly "reasonable"

CNBC June 10 Daily Trivia Answers (Tuesday)

Question 1:
In Fast Money's June 6 Web Extra segment, "The Week Ahead," what topics did the traders offer predictions for?

oil, infrastructure & Apple
oil, gasoline & Apple
oil, Apple & Lehman
oil, Apple & inflation --> CORRECT ANSWER!

Question 2:
In "Lehman to Raise $6 Billion, Expects $2.8 Billion Loss" (June 9), who offered insights to CNBC's Squawk Box?

Lehman CEO Richard Fuld
Bahl & Gaynor's McCormick
Greenlight's David Einhorn --> CORRECT ANSWER!
BlackRock's Bob Doll

Question 3:
In Cramer's May 15 Sell Block segment, "The Newest Mortgage Offenders," why did the Mad Money guru slam IndyMac?

exposure to the Southeast
diluting shareholders --> CORRECT ANSWER!
sales down "big"
"clueless" leadership

Question 4:
CNBC Stock Blog: In "Playing the Food Chain," what did stock picker Doug Cliggott warn investors to be wary of?

artificial price spikes
"speculators, not eaters"
"food health" fads
need for credit growth --> CORRECT ANSWER!

Question 5:
How much did Warren Buffett bet that Wall Street pros cannot beat the S&P?

$320,000 --> CORRECT ANSWER!
lunch with Warren
one share of Berkshire

Question 6:
Yodel for profit: In "Great Dividend Plays from Switzerland" which company did David Costa recommend?


CNBC Weekly Trivia Answer Week 5

This is the CNBC Portfolio Challenge Trivia Question for week starting Monday June 9.

Weekly question
Investors looking for stocks priced less than intrinsic value are referred to as ______ investors.

value --> CORRECT ANSWER (this one was too easy!)

We aim to provide answers to the CNBC Million Dollar Portfolio Question during each trading day. Please bookmark this blog, and come back during the trading day for the answers.

CNBC June 9 Daily Trivia Answers (Monday)

Question 1:
According to the slideshow "Fallen Stars: Celebrity Foreclosures" how much did Aretha Franklin owe in back taxes?

$19,193 --> CORRECT ANSWER!
$1.2 million
$2 million

Question 2:
In June 5's "Web Extra: Suspicious Stock" which Fast Money trader wanted to share his/her investment doubts?

Karen Finerman
Jeff Macke
Dylan Ratigan

Question 3:
In the June 6 edition of's Kudlow Caucus, which panelist(s) predicted a recession?

Art Laffer
Steve Moore
Robert Reich
all of the above --> CORRECT ANSWER!

Question 4:
On Friday, Cramer warned that "safety stocks aren't safe" now. But he did say one stock was "about to rip." Which?

Intrepid Potash --> CORRECT ANSWER!

Question 5:
In "Riding the Energy Stock Elevator" why did Jerry Castellini say he likes Southwestern Energy?

shale development --> CORRECT ANSWER!
trades at low multiples
moves to efficiency
cost controls

Question 6:
Find the Web video, "Farmer Meets Fast Money." Now: what state does farmer Roger Neshem hail from?

North Dakota --> CORRECT ANSWER!
New Mexico

Please come back later for the answer to the weekly trivia question.

CNBC June 6 Daily Trivia Answers (Friday)

Question 1:
In the blog entitled "Lousy Volume?" Bob Pisani reported that total volume in all NYSE-listed stocks is

down 23%
down 10%
up 23% -->CORRECT ANSWER (please ensure you choose up 23% not down 23%)
up 5.2%

Question 2:
In "Eaton's On Fire" which steel stock did Jim Cramer suggest buying on a pullback?

Cleveland-Cliffs -->CORRECT ANSWER

Question 3:
In "Top Videos: Hottest-Selling Funds, Lehman & More" what type of meat does Cramer reference?

taco beef
pizza sausage
fried chicken -->CORRECT ANSWER
olive loaf

Question 4:
CNBC Stock Blog: Bernie McGinn says forget subprime -- buy bank stocks. Which one did he call a "tremendous franchise"?

American International Grp.
Bank of America -->CORRECT ANSWER

Question 5:
In "What Options are Saying about Lehman" Rebecca Darst said "the question...on everyone's lips" is whether there is a

plot for Lehman's "demise"
"Bear Stearns-like setup" -->CORRECT ANSWER
"paradigm shift"
"stigma" to put positions

Question 6:
Web Extra: In "Go Off The Rails" the Fast Money traders take on a newspaper's analysis of rail stocks. Which newspaper?

The New York Times -->CORRECT ANSWER
Financial Times
The Wall Street Journal

Come back next week for the answers to the CNBC Portfolio Challenge daily and weekly trivia questions. Happy trading!

CNBC June 5 Daily Trivia Answers (Thursday)

Question 1:
In his June 4 blog, what did Jim Goldman call "the only real issue" in the Yahoo-Microsoft drama?

"bizarre" compensation plan
Yahoo's "poison pills"
fiduciary accountability --> CORRECT ANSWER!!
"ego-blinded" leadership

Question 2:
On June 3, George Soros said oil prices will not "crash" any time soon. What reason(s) did the billionaire cite?

prices' strong foundation --> CORRECT ANSWER!!
global growth
higher margin requirements
all of the above

Question 3:
In the slideshow, "States with the Biggest Declines and Increases in Home Prices," where does Wyoming stand?

up 6.34% --> CORRECT ANSWER!!
down 6.34%
down 24.1%
down 0.63%

Question 4:
What comparison site did "On The Money" blogger Carmen Wong Ulrich recommend to help avoid hidden bank fees? --> CORRECT ANSWER!!

Question 5:
Doug Kass shorted Berkshire Hathaway again this week. What was his "artistic" characterization of Warren Buffett?

Beethoven of boasting
Shakespeare of salesmanship
Da Vinci of deviousness
Mozart of marketing --> CORRECT ANSWER!!

Question 6:
In April's "Living With Volatility" Edward Egilinsky said "historically" a risk reduction strategy might include:

oil with "green" energy
alternative investments --> CORRECT ANSWER!!
stocks with bonds
varied commodities

CNBC June 4 Daily Trivia Answers (Wednesday)

Question 1:
In "Cap-and-Trade Craziness" what energy resource does Larry Kudlow NOT mention?

liquid coal/LNG
geothermal --> CORRECT ANSWER!

Question 2:
CNBC Stock Blog: Thomas Winmill likes miner Freeport McMoRan for a "special reason." What special reason?

biggest copper producer
a great portfolio
primarily gold producer
molybdenum production --> CORRECT ANSWER!

Question 3:
In "The Right Way to Watch Mad Money" (May 28), what proverb does the editor paraphrase?

"Throw the baby out..."
"Give a man a fish..." --> CORRECT ANSWER!
"Neither a borrower..."
"The tree of liberty..."

Question 4:
In "Is The Oil Rally Over?" (May 29) Joe Terranova told the Fast Money traders he's playing oil by:

staying short Hess --> CORRECT ANSWER!
staying long Hess
short Southwest Airlines
short several airlines

Question 5:
Web Video hunt: On May 27, CNBC interviewed "The Buffett of Brazil." Name him.

Jorge Paulo Lemann
Arminio Fraga --> CORRECT ANSWER!
Joseph Safra
Marcel Herrmann Telles

Question 6:
In "Ethanolics Anonymous" what does guest blogger Jerry Bowyer cite as a driver of the ethanol trend?

God and guns politics
the "apocalyptic" Left
a policy of "madness"
all of the above --> CORRECT ANSWER!

CNBC June 3 Daily Trivia Answers (Tuesday)

Question 1:
In "Hotel, Restaurant CEOs Worry About Slowing Demand," what factor gives Starwood's Barry Sternlicht hope?

Brazil's huge middle class
Middle East prosperity -->CORRECT ANSWER!
signs of a stronger dollar
pleasure seekers

Question 2:
Web Video hunt: On Monday, what did Holland & Co. chairman Mike Holland blame for high oil prices?

supply & demand -->CORRECT ANSWER!
refinery costs
weak dollar

Question 3:
On May 22, 5-star manager Neil Hennessy gave his Web Exclusive stock picks. But which stock did he slam?

AK Steel
None of the above -->CORRECT ANSWER!

Question 4:
On The Money blogger Carmen Wong Ulrich says how many U.S. young adults pay their bills late?


Question 5:
In his Friday "Game Plan," Cramer said banks may bottom soon. But he warned of possible "catches," including:

dollar weakness
global slowdown
weak Toll Bros. earns -->CORRECT ANSWER!
Democrat victory

Question 6:
CNBC Stock Blog: Jason Votruba likes small-cap energy. What Web Extra stock(s) did he recommend to

Swift Energy
Woodward Governor -->CORRECT ANSWER!
Pacific Ethanol
All of the above

CNBC Weekly Trivia Answer Week 4

This is the CNBC Portfolio Challenge Trivia Question for week starting Monday June 2.

A growth stock investor is primarily concerned with capital appreciation as opposed to:

dividend payouts --> CORRECT ANSWER!
a rise in price
above average earnings grow
strong growth rates

We aim to provide answers to the CNBC Million Dollar Portfolio Question during each trading day. Please bookmark this blog, and come back during the trading day for the answers.

CNBC June 2 Daily Trivia Answers (Monday)

Question 1:
On Friday, Dow Chemical CEO Andrew Liveris said Dow uses how much of the U.S.' electricity to make its products?

sizable fraction
within a good margin
all of the above

Question 2:
Energy strategist John Kilduff used which social-psychology term in his oil blog "The End of Daze"?

madness of crowds
herd mentality --> CORRECT ANSWER!
group psychosis

Question 3:
On May 28, homeland security analyst Brian Ruttenbur praised which firm for its fingerprint-verification tech?

FLIR Systems
L-1 Identity Solutions
ICX Technologies

Question 4:
On Friday, Rebecca Darst said options traders are looking at chips. What reason(s) did she cite?

Infineon's guidance cut
recent Barron's article
TI's lukewarm share price
All of the above --> CORRECT ANSWER!

Question 5:
Fast Money's Karen Finerman loves "bargain real estate." But what conclusion did she reach on Maguire Properties?

She likes "the dynamic" --> CORRECT ANSWER!
"Run like [blank]"
"Test the waters"
"buy the REIT soon"

Question 6:
CNBC Stock Blog: For 2008, Manny Weintraub scoffs at the "Sell in May, Stay Away" adage. Why?

rebounding optimism
more pessimism
lots of bargains --> CORRECT ANSWER!
watch the herd; do opposite