CNBC June 5 Daily Trivia Answers (Thursday)

Question 1:
In his June 4 blog, what did Jim Goldman call "the only real issue" in the Yahoo-Microsoft drama?

"bizarre" compensation plan
Yahoo's "poison pills"
fiduciary accountability --> CORRECT ANSWER!!
"ego-blinded" leadership

Question 2:
On June 3, George Soros said oil prices will not "crash" any time soon. What reason(s) did the billionaire cite?

prices' strong foundation --> CORRECT ANSWER!!
global growth
higher margin requirements
all of the above

Question 3:
In the slideshow, "States with the Biggest Declines and Increases in Home Prices," where does Wyoming stand?

up 6.34% --> CORRECT ANSWER!!
down 6.34%
down 24.1%
down 0.63%

Question 4:
What comparison site did "On The Money" blogger Carmen Wong Ulrich recommend to help avoid hidden bank fees? --> CORRECT ANSWER!!

Question 5:
Doug Kass shorted Berkshire Hathaway again this week. What was his "artistic" characterization of Warren Buffett?

Beethoven of boasting
Shakespeare of salesmanship
Da Vinci of deviousness
Mozart of marketing --> CORRECT ANSWER!!

Question 6:
In April's "Living With Volatility" Edward Egilinsky said "historically" a risk reduction strategy might include:

oil with "green" energy
alternative investments --> CORRECT ANSWER!!
stocks with bonds
varied commodities

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