CNBC June 11 Daily Trivia Answers (Wednesday)

Question 1:
Web video hunt: On Tuesday, Toll Bros. CEO Robert Toll told Power Lunch home prices may be stabilizing. Who interviewed him?

Sue Herera --> CORRECT ANSWER!
Diana Olick
Bill Griffeth
Melissa Lee

Question 2:
CNBC Stock Blog: According to Dan Eggers, what is the key to picking energy utility stocks?

dense market population
cheaper raw materials
deregulated environment --> CORRECT ANSWER!
smart commodity hedges

Question 3:
In John McCain's June 10 CNBC interview, whom did the presidential candidate say he'd enlist to strengthen trade?

BRIC nations
Russia & Eastern Europe
Our traditional allies --> CORRECT ANSWER!
Coalition of the willing

Question 4:
In "Congress to Summer Workers: Drop Dead," Jerry Bowyer refers to which "universal laws of science"?

Einsteinian relativity
Newtonian gravitation
Supply-and-demand model
all of the above --> CORRECT ANSWER!

Question 5:
In "Oil Services Stocks Are Price-Proof" Federated Investors' Phil Orlando says oil prices may sink as low as:

$100 to $90 range
$110 to $100 range --> CORRECT ANSWER!

Question 6:
In "Answering Your Credit Questions" blogger Carmen Wong Ulrich says the "big secret" of the credit industry is that it's:

"very unregulated" --> CORRECT ANSWER!
rife with "loopholes"
teetering on "collapse"
surprisingly "reasonable"

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