Bonus Bucks Answers Tuesday, November 18

Come back later in the day for answers to all of today's trivia questions (bonus bucks).

Question 1: According to the Stock Blog post, Options Action: Dangerous Videogame Play, what must happen for the break-even trade?

stock must drop more than 9%
stock must drop more than 8% --> CORRECT ANSWER!!
stock must return to mid-April highs
stock must hold steady

Question 2: In Friday's Stop Trading! segment, Trouble for Coal, Jim Cramer said which energy stock has a "double whammy"?

Arch Coal
Kinder Morgan --> CORRECT ANSWER!!

Question 3: In the Stock Blog post, Five Stocks to Fight The Recession, how does Manuel Schiffres label Pfizer?

Dull as aspirin
Not going out of business
All of the above --> CORRECT ANSWER!!

Question 4: In Vince Farrell's blog post, Lower Oil Price Equals A Tax Cut, the CIO offers what scientific view of petroleum "info"?

"forensic analysis"
"Litmus test"
"put it under a microscope"
"dissection" --> CORRECT ANSWER!!

Question 5: Enjoy our Holiday Cigars slideshow. Now name the only 2-time winner of Cigar Aficionado's No. 1 Cigar of the Year.

The PadrĂ³n Family --> CORRECT ANSWER!!
La Flor Dominicana
The Fuente Family

Question 6: In "Apple Investors' Hope for the Holidays" which "long-time" tech industry analyst does Jim Goldman refer to?

Walt Mossberg
Ashok Kumar
David Pogue
Gene Munster --> CORRECT ANSWER!!

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