CNBC Bonus Bucks Trivia Answers (July 2)

Question 1: In the article, "Stock Picker Likes Sunnier Second Half", who might gain from "the little guy...going out of business"?

Lawson Software
none of the above

Question 2: Mmm: Food stocks. When Alexia Howard spoke to CNBC on June 24, which one was "at the top of her list"?

Dean Foods
Kraft Foods
HJ Heinz

Question 3: On June 25, Erste Bank's Ronald-Peter Stoferle predicted a massive gold price rise. What is the "total demand for gold"?

approx. 3,600 metric tons -->CORRECT ANSWER!
2,450 metric tons
10,000 kilograms
1,034 pounds

Question 4: In the blog post, "Options Action: Make $$$ on Financials", Stacey Gilbert talks up a strategy for:

Citigroup -->CORRECT ANSWER!
UltraShort S&P500 ProShares

Question 5: Guest Blogger Vince Farrell marvelled at Goldman Sachs' market-moving ability. Who did Farrell say Goldman "unloaded" on?

subprime lenders
oil hedgers
Lehman Bros.
Citigroup -->CORRECT ANSWER!

Question 6: In Fast Money's Web Extra, "Steel In Second Half?" what event seemed to drive up MacArthur Coal?

Posco upped MacArthur stake
Arcelor upped Mac stake -->CORRECT ANSWER!
Posco's Arcelor purchase
oil price spike

Come back during each trading day for answers to the CNBC Portfolio Challenge Trivia ( bonus bucks ) questions.

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