CNBC Million Dollar Portfolo Challenge Bonus Bucks Answers (July 11)

Question 1: In the Fast Money post, Fallen Foreign Buys, which emerging-market ticker does trader Tim Seymour actually like?

all of the above

Question 2: In Matt Nesto's Stock Blog piece, "Dow-Rohm Deal: Coat-Tail Winners," which firm is "even...considered a spec chem"?

Intl. Flavors & Fragrances -->CORRECT ANSWER!

Question 3: In her post "Buy or Rent? Learn the Rule of 15", Carmen Wong Ulrich says "If I were to sell my home today, I’d..."

rent for at least a year -->CORRECT ANSWER!
take a real bath
resign myself to reality
call it quits in NYC

Question 4: In the Thursday Stock Blog post, Three New Energy ETFs You Should Know, which one was NOT on the list?

Global Wind
WilderHill Clean Energy
Global Nuclear Energy
Dynamic Energy Exploration -->CORRECT ANSWER!

Question 5: In Thursday's "Stop Trading" post, what does Jim Cramer call "the only thing working"?

oil services
health care -->CORRECT ANSWER!
alt energy
"new tech"

Question 6: CNBC fans know Texas topped our Top States for Business 2008 list. But which state won for cost of doing business?

South Dakota -->CORRECT ANSWER!
New York

Come back during each trading day for answers to the CNBC Portfolio Challenge Trivia ( bonus bucks ) questions.

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