CNBC Bonus Bucks Trivia Answers (July 7)

See end of this post for answer to WEEKLY question
Question 1: In the Energy Source blog, what did ex-CIA agent Robert Baer say about Exxon and Chevron vis-a-vis Iraqi oil?

it's a long road to hoe
spent too much time in Iraq
they won't get major fields -->CORRECT ANSWER!
vie for 2/3 of Iraq exports

Question 2: According to the feature, "Failed Merger Roundup," which would-be acquiror(s) pulled the plug on a deal with PHH Corp.?

GE Capital Solutions -->CORRECT ANSWER!
JC Flowers & Co.
Friedman Fleischer & Lowe
all of the above

Question 3: In Carmen Wong Ulrich's blog post on wages, what wildlife phrase does she use for wrangling with debt?

like a headless chicken
don't fuss with the eagles
a bunch of crazy salmon -->CORRECT ANSWER!
a drunk monkey says "what?"

Question 4: In the story "Earnings Season Kicks Off with Little Hope Ahead" who sees "panic selling...more likely than panic-buying"?

Randy Carver
Raymond James
Matthew Tuttle -->CORRECT ANSWER!
Jeff Cox

Question 5: In the Stop Trading! blog post "Big Money Makes Its Move" which sector/idea does Jim Cramer call "horrible"?

Coal stocks
all of the above

Question 6: In the CNBC Stock Blog post "Top Food Stock Picks for Lean Times", what ingestible image is displayed on the page?

beer being poured -->CORRECT ANSWER!
peanut butter being spread
mound of soybeans
generic sack of "grain"

Weekly Question: Traders break patterns into two types; continuation and _______.

reversal -->CORRECT ANSWER!

Come back during each trading day for answers to the CNBC Portfolio Challenge Trivia ( bonus bucks ) questions.

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