CNBC Million Dollar Portfolo Challenge Bonus Bucks Answer July 18 (Final Day)

Question 1: In the July 17 Mad Money post, "Oil Down, Banks Up?" which fictional realm does Mad-man stock guru Jim Cramer reference?

Pepita's Kitchen
Bizarro World -->CORRECT ANSWER!

Question 2: Which "eye-catching" word or phrase is NOT found in managing editor Allen Wastler's Two-Way Street blog post of July 8?

"perp walk" -->CORRECT ANSWER!

Question 3: In Bob Pisani's "ETFs: An Investor's Primer" which fund-accessible nations are named?

all of the above

Question 4: In the Fast Money post, "No Guts No Glory - Pt. II" what animal metaphor is used to describe value investing?

where eagles dare
head in a lion's mouth -->CORRECT ANSWER!
monkey in a Murphy bed
all cats are gray

Question 5: In a July 15 CNBC interview, Jim Rogers used which metaphor in discussing a Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac bailout?

ignoring a measles outbreak
eating near a sewage backup
an out-of-control van
Band-Aids for cancer -->CORRECT ANSWER!

Question 6: In the feature, "Sucker's Rally? Stock Gains Likely to Be Short-Lived" which analyst used the phrase, "sucker's rally"?

Kathy Boyle -->CORRECT ANSWER!
Dave Rovelli
Eric Piesco
Moe Hunt

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